set your maximum time range of selection for DateRangePicker.js
I wanted to create a date range picker where we i can set maximum dateselection range of 3 months so i edited the Daterangepicker.js :
let us first look at the date range picker you can add the beautiful date range
selector by adding this code
input type="text"
now you have to edit daterangepicker.js :
i have setted the max date selection range as 3 months you can make it
to any of your choice here is my code :
what i have edited :
i edited the datepicker option section as :
if(rp.find('li.ui-state-active').is('.ui-daterangepicker-allDatesBefore')) { var edtemp = new Date(new Date(ed).setMonth(ed.getMonth()-3)); rangeA=fDate(edtemp); startingDate=edtemp; endingDate=ed; }
you can find some -3 and +3 codes inside the date picker you can change this values with
how many months you need it .
i also edited the hideRP() function so that now you can get the startdate and enddate
through jquery call of the event onClose
$('input').daterangepicker() { onClose:function(startdate,enddate) { alert("start date:"+startdate+"end date:"+enddate); } }