Call a java function from a javascript function [play framework]
There are many ways to pass data and acess data from a java code and a javascript functionwithin play framework.But i was in a condition where i was to exchange
data from a javascript to java code and from java code to javascript.I figured out
it to be done using simple ajax code.
my ajax code :
$("#ourl").keyup(function() {
var surl=$("#ourl").val();
var listAction = #{jsAction @UrlGeter.genurl(':url') /}
$.get(listAction({url: surl}), function(data) {
you can see the jsAction object here is the action invoker which calls the java function from
UrlGeter controller class
now you need to create a java function genurl() into the controller UrlGeter as:
public static void genurl(String date)
note: String is more compatible argument type
now create genurl.html
include your controller into routes of your application and you are ready to go